Built to last the sawtooth brings the same Charmac quality to a affordable model for every horseman or woman. With two 6” air gaps your horse will have plenty of ventilation and with standard 7’ height your horse will have plenty room to fit.
Bunk House
Coming SOON!
Adding more options but built on the same frame of the Sawtooth is our Teton model. Adding 30x24 drop feed doors on the head side and 30x20 slider windows on the but side along with more availble upgrade options, we can build the teton as affordable or as high end as you wish.
New to 2025 is the outfitter. Heavily built to last and completly coated in our Bullet liners coating this thing is made for any job. Whether its taking your pack string to the back country or heading to a branding the outfitter is the best choice for you.